How different would life be right now had he been wearing it. He thought to himself. Thought this a lot. But this always led to the realization that it wasn't just the bulletproof vest. He had been walking around unarmed. Been AWOL on the job. It was a mindset problem. He wasn't careful. something about that wrretched motel had gotten his guard down.
Now he was on the highest of alerts. only drank scotch, which gave him a heightened sense sort of buzz rather than a stupor. Always kept a concealed glock with an extra clip.
Not that
was a dangerous place. What he feared most was his previous client. They had sent him here. Why? He expected the worst.
His contact from the Blue Group was that they were sending him away to keep him safe. The town by the sea was in unrest. They were asking questions. Dave couldn't be around all that. Too risky.
And it was true that two bullets had entered his torso. One into his liver. The Blue Group had orchestrated an operation in secret with a black market surgeon. Why go through all that just to send him out here and kill him? Didn't make sense right?