Afford That

as reply to close enough

"What ever happened to Jack Attack?" Daniel Tosh said. "Play that clip."

The audience laughed, as the clip replayed Jack's freakout at the radio station, and him storming out into the parking lot.

"So that was weird... the freakout, and I think one of the last we've heard of the muscle boy himself, Jack Attack."

"Like whatever happened to that guy."

"I have no idea. Probably one of those body builders you see on the beach."

"Yeah, haha Tosh out."

Jack turned off the TV, his past followed him around every where he went.

He was bored of all of these things. All of these fake things, why should anyone care about these things so removed from themselves. He thought about writing this down. I should be focused on whats here and now he thought. 

He opened his curtains of the motel. He was on the second floor, and looking out her could see the other block pretty well. He parked his chair, and grabbed his notebook, he was going to write everything he sees. One story about each room. 

"Yeah, thats a good idea."

And he started first was the nice old lady. Then there was the guy who only got delivery. How the fuck could he afford that.

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