a routine

as reply to Afford That

He liked writing about the man who lived exclusively off delivery. Over the days he observed him more closely. Certain things felt peculiar.

Like how the man never left the room. It seemed like he stayed there all day. Another thing was that the man never seemed to order the food himself. It would just arrive. And that brought Jack to the final peculiar point. The man was never seen on any modern device. The only device he used was the television.

Strange Jack thought. He wrote this all down in his notebook. The food would arrive usually on moped. Sometimes by a person in car. The fact that biological fuel for the man was brought in a vehicle powered by fossil fuels fascinated Jack. The city was one organism powered by some mix of oil, gas and solar. It's goal was to ensure that humans could obtain their own fuel in efficient means.

Civilization apparently.

In the evenings Jack would take a stroll down to a bar in another neighborhood. He enjoyed the walk. Gave him time to think more. At the bar he would drink a mix of beer and whiskey. Depending on the vibe he'd sometimes sit at the bar. Sometimes at a booth alone. He liked it best when it was either super empty and quiet or if there was a really loud live performer.
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