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as reply to what was i winning

At the bar he scrolled his phone. He had to know, what was Kyle Sardisnsky doing. He searched at the bar, his screen lighting his face up blue. He was in the booth. No one around him. His drink had a stream of bubbles trying to escape. 

He checked 
no not much. A profile maybe made and then forgotten. No picture. He tried 
again nothing. Or his old profile so nothing that useful. His last post there was 2008. Then he checked 
there he found a profile with the same name. 

To his dismay it was him. Happy, he thought. He tweeted a lot about a local soccer team. The Flushing Thunder. Seemed like his kid was on it. They were going to a regional championship, and they were raising money. He scrolled up. 

"They reached their mark."

"What was that."

The bartender was walking by. A girl she moved quick, didn't really have time for chit chat. 

"You want another one? What was that?"

"Uh, yeah, sure." 

His wasn't even finished, but maybe she'd knew he say yes. 

, please. Thank you."


She walked away quickly, and he Kept scrolling. 

"This ones too my wife beck for believing in me always. Happy Anniversary!!!"

Underneath there was a photo of them on the beach.

He took another sip of his beer.