It was so hot that everyone in Jacks apartment complex had their windows open.
Jack and a fan that oscillated this way and that but it didn’t matter. The heat was relentless. He had to open one side of the house in the morning then the other at night.
There he said on a Tuesday evening when the wind blew in. Finally a cool breeze he thought.
It was abnormally hot in
abnormally hot for this time of year he thought. It reminded him of California. And he imagined everything burning.
The whole place after 7pm was on their balcony. Except the room that ordered Chinese. For some reason that guy could stay without the breeze from outside.
Jack thought “Thats probably an oven. How could anyone stay there.” Then at nine the guy who just ordered Chinese food would come outside and have a cigarette.
It was off. All of it was off Jack wrote down. The temperature was too hot for anyone to stay inside.