Try em Again

as reply to okay call them again

The kid now hands shaking called again.

It rang once.

Then twice.

Then went blank.

No ringing or dial tone. 

So the kid tried again. 

Again one ring, then another then blank. 

"They didn't tell us where to take the money." He said.

"I know, I uh guess try again." Blayne said.

The kid looked at the phone then back at him.

"You think this is real. Like all of this, couldn't it just be a prank."

Blayne looked at him, and thought for a moment seriously. But the room was weird. In some sense it could have been a neat freak, or some shit like that cleaning everything and leaving. But why leave the coffee, and the window open. 

"I think." Blayne started, but then the phone rang.

They both looked at each other, pushing it to one another. 

But then the ringing stopped. 

Just twice, then it ended.

"You think that was them?"

"I don't know man." Blayne said. He wished he could call his girlfriend. She always knew what to do in these situations. They were on a break he told his friends earlier hadn't spoken in a week, but it will all be good.

"You know how she gets." He told them.

The kid then grabbed the phone. 

"Im gunna try em again."

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