Could Do

as reply to five west holmes

Danny always made it hard for Blayne. Not in terms of life but in terms of studying. When Danny visited it was nonstop drinking and smoking. Sometimes starting in the morning, and ending with a joint at night. 

Instead of Blaine’s usual after dinner study session, when his brain was the sharpest. He’d get both trying to go through the chemistry assignment in his head. It went like this for a week at a time then he’d leave. Blayne wondered through these periods if his professors noticed his performance drifting. When Danny wasn’t there he was a well tuned race car, when he wasn’t some beat up old truck. 

Although he wasn’t bad for him socially. Practically the only time a girl was on his room was Danny’s doing. Danny’s party or something. 

So he wasn’t bad for Blayne not for everything. Blayne used to tell himself this. But then he would wonder why he came as much as he did I guess it was a break from normal life. A break from just working he could pretend he was actually going to school. 

Blayne would think about this when Danny was speaking to a girl ge liked, or doing something Blayne wished he could do. 
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