The Water

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After they dumped the first bodies they made it back to the car. There they waited. It was quiet and the  wind was blowing in from the ocean. It reminded the kid of a family vacation, all and all it was pretty boring. His family just mom dad and brother drove out to the coast, and stayed at a small motel. The kid remembered it wasn't that different from the Seaside rest, except it had a pool. There the family spent most of its time. The pool unlike any he'd ever been in was salty. 

The owner said "We  just get the water from the sea. Sometimes we get sharks too." 

The kid thought that was so silly, why wouldn't they just swim in the ocean. But they stayed in the salty pool, and he remembers the sound of the ocean not too far away and the smell of the salt. 

"Come on get his legs. I got his head. Hurry up."

The wind blew his hair out of his face, but it was strong. 

All the cars lights were out. It looked like nothing was there, once they got further away.

"One, two, three." Blayne said.

The sound was like a large rock hitting the water.
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