ever do something like this before?

as reply to The Water

The sea reminded Danny of the end. The salt said, there is no place for you here. Like how the kidneys filtered your blood out into urine.

This is the end. He saw the bodies floating out and he thought for them. That their lives were finished.

He probably didn't need to get this kid hooked into this. He could've probably handled this with Blayne. But there was something sick in Danny. He wanted others to feel what he felt. He found it unfair that there were innocent people who just believed that the world was a safe place. He wanted to spread his belief. Violence. Cruelty. Suffering. Death.

So what if he could've sent the Kid to do whatever it was that he was running off to. Danny had sensed that the kid was trying to get out of it. He had manuevered the kid into being unable to not helping. danny played it off cool like he didn't know what was happening. He was a sick mother fucker.

They stood on the rocky coast watching the bodies float away. when they were no longer in sight Danny said to the kid, "you ever do something like this before?"
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