Back West

as reply to ever do something like this before?

Life before all this for the kid was normal. Full of kindness. He had both his parents, they were married. He went to church when he was younger, and really believed all of that. The lessons and the rules. In high school he played sports, and when he wasn't doing that he was a referee. He liked order, and kept his room nicely arranged. 

When he was older he got a girlfriend, and he took her on dates, and did nice things for her. 

All Christmases he had presents under a tree, and for birthdays his parents always got him a cake. 

So he wanted to scream at Danny "of course not, of course I didn't kill people before and dump their bodies."

But then he thought that he'd seen homeless people and never gave them money. Or another time he didn't round up his bill to help the children, so in some ways he had committed violence. Like any other violence. 

"Sort of, but not exactly."

Was all he said. Danny looked confused, but instead just turned and walked to car, and the kid followed him. 

They'd wait a bit longer, check the radio, then go the long way, through the mountains east, then back west.

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