"Ayeee Keith why the fuck won't you drive, pussio?"
Keith looked over non chalant. He was starting to gain some weight back. After being stuck in that cell wasting away. BAKA was feeding him and Dave well.
"I did enough driving for three lifetimes."
BAKA kissed his teeth. "Excuses. That's all you got innit? Excuses."
Dave looked over. Hand still on the steering wheel. "Sounds like an interesting story."
"Interesting my ass!" BAKA screamed from the back. "Probably straight lying. Pussio!"
Keith ignored BAKA and looked straight into Dave's eyes before Dave looked back to the road.
"Not interesting. But a long story."
"Fuck stories. I want some fucking music." BAKA screamed.
Suddenly a black pistol crept up. Keith noticed it but didn't react.
"You best play some music now you hear? Bed time stories is over. Done hear?"
"sure," Keith spoke calm. "What do you want to hear?"