Okay, Yeah Okay

as reply to couldn't hear

Its  curious how sound bounces off of walls she thought. The men outside the automatic doors. When it opened the sound came in and when it closed it stoped. 

It opened.

"We'll just go in there and steal his laptop nothing else has to happen."

"We told you this would happen."

"They would be coming for us, no one with that much firepower doesn't have someone whose looking for them. Its just impossible, there had to be a camera. We just gotta nip it in the bud."

It closed and people were in front of her. Wafting in also the smell of smoke. 

"We'd like to check-in."

"Well good thing I can help you with that." She said.

She'd say this to a few customers say another like to others. She'd been hurt when she was younger a car accident, shattered her knew in one leg. So she had crutches. She liked the chairs at work though, because you could move easily from the printer to the desk. The crutches were sat near the wall. 

For awhile she tried a cane, but it wasn't that helpful, made her look old, the crutches they didn't age her the same way.

She quickly wrote down what she heard after the door opened again.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, room 421."

"And it will be done?"

"Okay, yeah Okay."
Replies to Okay, Yeah Okay