She saw everything. And wrote it down. Not everything but the important things. Pen on paper. Never typed. She didn't trust computers. Not like she thought someone was spying on them. She didn't trust that the things she wrote into a computer would be there for
to come. Files, cloud services. All of that would be gone one day. Or corrupt. Or inaccessible for one reason or another.
Pen on paper. That stuff would last. Maybe not all of it. But most of it. So long as there wasn't a fire or a flood. If someone happened to come across her notebooks they would see what she had wrote down. They might not read it. They might not care. But they could see the words in plain sight if they looked. The same couldn't be said about someone writing their thoughts into a
The visitor was none other than the local legend Danny Calruso. Everybody here knew of him. Nobody really spoke about why he was put on such a pedestal. It was treated as a given that he was some important figure. The people here didn't question it. Just like
in some rural parts of this god forsaken country. Yes. The way this town treated that Danny Calruso was fitting of a god. She decided to jot that down in her notebook.
She watched the three talking. They were hunched over talking in hushed tones. She tried to make something out but couldn't hear.