
as reply to prince of mordor

“I need some air.”

The detective went outside while the policeman interviewed the front desk person and then the bar man. 

He lit his lighter. Well tried the sea air blew this way and that, putting the flame out. He cupped his hand around it and puffed hard on the cigarette. It lit. 

He didn’t like the look of this. Seen something like this before. Back when he was just training one of his friends couldn’t figure out a case. 

“They just took the computer. I don’t get it they just took the computer.”

This case was a bit different. One of the officers wanted to write it off. 

“Just a robbery plain and simple, see this all the time, maybe they just know a computer guy. Easy way to turn a couple hundred.”

But why not the wallet too he thought, the guy had oodles of cash on him. 

“The tv was just collateral. Those guys were scared don’t do it a lot.”

The detective didn’t buy it something seemed off. How’d they know he’d have a computer? 

He took a deep drag.

The two officers came out. 

“Nothing they didn’t see nothing.”

“No cameras?”

“They were off. But the one guy says it happens often. So it’s not weird.”

Hmm the detective thought.
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