Be Death

as reply to his voice said shit

There wasn't any music playing through the headphones. The lady heard it all. 

It was interesting how calm Blayne was she thought, until the last second, he got spilling a cup and just leaving. Why would someone care that much if the boy is quitting let him quit. 

The thought that they were lovers entered her head, but then left.

The game they were playing had higher stakes, and for some reason Blayne needed the kid she thought. Not for something like confidence or pride, something more primal. There was a tinge of fear. 

But different than love or a secret exposed she thought. 

Someone will be killed she thought, writing it down in her long a sprawling hand writing. Someone will be killed by one of them. There is too much tension.

The boy seemed brave to her in that moment, incredibly so. To stand up to something like this is not easy. There was something much bigger here than a summer job. Something terrible she wrote. 

Something terrible. She bounced the pen up and down in her hands. 

She tried to see where they had gone, but tourists came in and she couldn't stand up. 

Something terrible she wrote. It has to be death.