three men crammed into a hotel

as reply to The Phone

"MAN I need to get out of here. I miss my space. I miss my women."

Keith snickered at this on the inside. He hadn't had a woman in years. And he had been living inside of a windowless prison cell for the past few months. He still wasn't even sure who had been keeping him here.

"And tha food." Baka kissed his teeth. "this food is for animals. Not for us humans."

Dave looked over from the window. He had been looking out into the sea all day. Keith wondered why he didn't just go out there to enjoy the coast.

"Well the sooner we get this done. The sooner you get to return to all that. Right?"

"That's the ting, man. I don't know how long this going to be. We've already been at this boondocks hotel for what, one week now? What the fuck we waiting for? Where's Capo?"

"Capo hasn't called yet. Relax."

Baka stood up and approached Dave. Dave's muscles were more developed from years of working out and being active on the job, but Baka had a natural physical presence. Not meaty, but tall with long limbs, and a frame that wasn't stocky but wide enough at his height that you wouldn't want to mess with him. Keith didn't know who would win in a fight. If he didn't know Dave better he would bet the money on Baka. But he had gotten to understand Dave better during their time together. There was something about him. Like he had a history of handling people. Baka was more of a hot head.

"Blood, you really want to do tis now?"

Dave didn't turn fully over to Baka. Just braced himself to be ready for whatever. Baka stared at him, sweared a bit. But eventually nothing happened.

"This hotel isn't big enough for us three men."

Baka looked at Keith. "You're bloody right!"
Replies to three men crammed into a hotel
