It was strange keeping change from a customer.
wasn't a restaurant. there was no tipping. At first Drew thought about putting the extra cash into the register. Instead he pocketed it. Figured it would just be wasted if he put it into the register anyway. Although the store always had some accounting issues. There was always a hair less money collected than charged for. That's just how things were in retail. Honest mistakes here and there.
That night Drew put the extra money into a glass jar. The jar he kept on the kitchen counter. He stared into it and thought of the money he'd place in there in the future.
"anytime somebody gives me extra money, I'll put it here." he thought to himself. That was weird to think about because he didn't ever expect to get extra money like that from a customer on a regular basis. In fact this was the first time a customer told him to keep the change.
He tried to remember the face of that customer. No image came to mind. He hadn't been payin attention to that kind of detail at the time. Was more interested in the fact that a customer was telling him to 'keep the change'.