One time Marc was en route to Ireland with that one woman. She was in his lab. And he had a crush on her the moment he saw her. In Ireland he screwed things up with her. And he never forgot about that since.
Although he couldn't remember her name anymore. Or even what her face looked like. But his penis became hard anytime he thought of her and that ride on the train.
Now he felt weird because he'd feel the blood starting to flow more heavily whenever he sat on the mattress with Drew at his apartment. It was strange because there was no reason he should be there. Why would he ever be at the apartment of a grocery store cashier. Plus... being invited into the apartment was one thing, but to sit on his mattress... that was another deal.
Things weren't going to plan. but they were better than before at least. Not too long ago he was being forced to go along with a hit job. Some place out west. At least now he didn't need to kill someone. He couldn't even remember why he had been forced to do that job. they had called him the
kid back then. Where had that nickname come from? Wasn't it strange now that he was starting to befriend this man from Cambridge?