“It was weird he ordered your drink. Like when he first came in he ordered your drink.”
Imogen looked around her, she couldn’t see it on the menu.
“Maybe he saw it in a post. Or something like the Instagram.”
“That’s the thing I looked online I looked everywhere. But I couldn’t find anything.”
“I mean maybe he just knew it from the past.”
“Its like he could read my mind. Or something. It was like he knew it but he didn’t even know he knew it, like I asked him and he just stumbled, I don’t know it was weird, he couldn’t really say how he knew it.”
Imogen shifted in her seat she was uncomfortable. One night while she was driving back she had a dream about the drink and sitting and talking. But she wasn’t talking to McKayla she was talking to this man. It wasn’t a man she knew the name of but she recognised him from somewhere.