The first shot wasn't meant to be perfect. The goal was to get the ball rolling. "Don't even think about the view count," Sydney had said.
Imogen Howe
kept repeating these words to herself. But she couldn't help imagining the world laughing at her. Or worse, nobody in the world caring.
"We just need to get comfortable going live. We'll figure out how to get views later okay?"
"Yeah okay."
The first session was meant to get their feet wet. They would need to practice over time. Eventually it would come natural to them. The trick wasn't to get so zonked out about making it perfect.
Then they would finally be able to get some fans. And then hopefully some more customers into the cafe. Or better yet, selling merch through the online shop once they had a following.
The makeup and the big hair made her boss look more special. Sydney had expected her boss to look younger, but she didn't. Just looked like a more sophisticated version of the older woman she had gotten used to while working at The Sparrow.