There were so many rows in a database. Anytime, anyone wrote a new post a new row would be inserted into a table in this database. This database lived on a server somewhere out in New York City. He had heard Dennis talk about this once. Back when he was still around.
Dennis lived out in the sticks somewhere in Indiana, but his server was hosted by some popular cloud provider out in
New York
. Johnny didn't know much about IT so he wondered why Johnny didn't have his server closer to home. Dennis had made a fake hand gun. "Light speed. Information travels like that," and he'd snapped his fingers. "Plus it was the easiest way to spin up a linux box back then."
Dennis had told Johnny that he had spun up a Ubuntu machine many years ago. Then he got too lazy to move the software off. Once in awhile when too many people were creating too many rows in the database, Dennis would need to upgrade the specs on the box. Now the box was quite powerful.
"Damn all the money i've been giving those people in New York, I could've bought a few servers and owned them myself." Johnny remembered this conversation in a dark room. Two of them cold as shell shivering. Light shining into Dennis glazed face. "But then I would've needed to run the servers myself. And I wouldn't have had the state o the art machines the whole time. Nah. I guess it works out in the end."
Eventually Dennis' server would go offline. Johnny didn't know precisely when. Dennis had bragged about how he had paid enough upfront to the cloud provider to keep the server going "forever" without having to make any further payments. But Johnny knew that Dennis was exagerating.
Eventually... however many credits was left on Dennis' account would run out and the plug would be taken out. Until then, Johnny would be inserting as many rows into the database as possible.