The snow turned yellow as his urine soaked in. It wasn't a big pile of snow. Just small corner that had been missed by the shoveler. He thought of how
could never remain beautiful forever. That even if the temperatures stayed low, eventually the shit, piss, and trash would ruin it.
He was about to zip up when he heard a voice.
"You know you could've saved yourself a lot of trouble by just using a public restroom."
It sounded like an older man. Someone his dad's age maybe. He didn't want to turn around. If he had to guess it was a man with authority. Like a cop. In his head he imagined a cop.
He was surprised when he turned around to a frail old man maybe his grandpa's age.
Max expected the man to say more but all he did was shake his head and then walked on. He waited until the old man was gone from view before he began walking. He would be late to meeting Johnny after all. And he wouldn't be able to shake Johnny's hands. Would have to go to the bathroom and wash it.
This was embarrassing. Two minutes away Google Maps had told him. Anyone in their right mind could've argued that Max should've just held it for two more minutes. The thing was the he had been holding it for at least ten minutes already during the walk. And before that at the cafe his bladder had been pushing the urine out towards his urethra. No it wasn't that he was unable to hold for just two more minutes. It was more that he had been holding for countless minutes and he had exploded. Unfortunately he was out in public.
There was nothing he could do anymore. He had to just shake it off. The embarrassment. He had forgotten to shake his penis so he had urine on his pants.