A man. Hurrying seemed like an animal or something looking for food scraps. He had in his hand too many things. Some bread or something. He was looking at each door, she knew her door was unlocked. She felt though helpless unable to stop looking out the peep hole.
He came to her door. Went to knock, then looked back at his phone. Too many thoughts she thought, he thinks too much back and forth. He looked at his phone pained. Then raised his hand to knock, but in a final way looked at this phone. Put it back in his pocket and knocked.
She was stunned to speak. She couldn't speak. It felt other worldly.
"Johnny is that you?"
Was he the a vision that was meant for Johnny? The thing that she saw. Was it not her turn?
She wanted to wake him, but was still froze. It was all so really. Johnny? The man said, closer to the door.
She felt like she was on edge of the living and dead. And this man was coming to collect.
So she opened the door, ready to die.
"Take me instead."
"Is this Johnny's house? Are you McKayla?"
"Instead of him. Me."
He came to her door. Went to knock, then looked back at his phone. Too many thoughts she thought, he thinks too much back and forth. He looked at his phone pained. Then raised his hand to knock, but in a final way looked at this phone. Put it back in his pocket and knocked.
She was stunned to speak. She couldn't speak. It felt other worldly.
"Johnny is that you?"
Was he the a vision that was meant for Johnny? The thing that she saw. Was it not her turn?
She wanted to wake him, but was still froze. It was all so really. Johnny? The man said, closer to the door.
She felt like she was on edge of the living and dead. And this man was coming to collect.
So she opened the door, ready to die.
"Take me instead."
"Is this Johnny's house? Are you McKayla?"
"Instead of him. Me."