Her name was Matilda. When she was younger some people in the neighborhood called her Mat. This turned in to Cat but finally in high school she just went by Bat. She liked it because it was mysterious because it she was able to hide who she was. She had always had an ability to read people. She thought others could too, so she didn’t bother speaking much, but sooner or later it occurred that she had something special. Every once and awhile she could see things, into the future people from the past. There was one time in her life when people believed her. When her mom was alive. After that people stopped caring about her.
There was one week after her moms death where people would still ask how she was. Then they stopped, and she was fine with it.
From her mom she inherited her apartment. When she did first have it she made it up nice. Decorated it liked to have fresh flowers but soon that faded too.
When these things faded her powers grew. Something’s drained them the computer or her phone. But a few hours with them off and she’d be back to normal.
The girl she knew was already going to fall. It was just a matter of when.
The girl she knew was already going to fall. It was just a matter of when.