The guy though, she knew he would be back. He would be marked forever by this place. That hall. And that baguette that the girl had slipped on. Matilda the Bat was planning to die there. That young guy wasn't as attached to the apartment but he could never return to where he had been living before.
HE would surely return to get his things. But then he would figure out a way to return here. He would leave most of his things behind. Even his car. The Bat knew this already. He would come back without that car. She didn't know what his next car would be, but it would be something less fancy. She didn't even know what particular car he had right now. Only knew that it was a gawdy.
she knew that he wouldn't live inside this apartment. HE would end up living near it. But he would walk by often. Would walk through the hall and try to make sense of it all. He would be wondering whether the accident was his fault. He would blame himself. The Bat could tell him that it wasn't his fault. That if it was anyone's fault then it was her's since she knew it was coming. But she didn't think anything useful would come from telling anyone that. So she would watch. Watch through the peep hole.
HE would surely return to get his things. But then he would figure out a way to return here. He would leave most of his things behind. Even his car. The Bat knew this already. He would come back without that car. She didn't know what his next car would be, but it would be something less fancy. She didn't even know what particular car he had right now. Only knew that it was a gawdy.
she knew that he wouldn't live inside this apartment. HE would end up living near it. But he would walk by often. Would walk through the hall and try to make sense of it all. He would be wondering whether the accident was his fault. He would blame himself. The Bat could tell him that it wasn't his fault. That if it was anyone's fault then it was her's since she knew it was coming. But she didn't think anything useful would come from telling anyone that. So she would watch. Watch through the peep hole.