Wasting time was the easiest thing to do in college. Though it was time consuming and still took a lot of work. Now that I look back on all the effort we went through to procure booze and drugs and then find stupid things to do for long spans of time, I'm impressed.
Energy was what we had in those days. That and a daily openness to allowing anything to happen on any given day... so long as the anything wasn't doing homework or studying. These days I couldn't wake up just not knowing what I wanted to do that day. Maybe leaving half a day open is a good thing, but the whole day? Nah. But back at
we were just blank canvases acting as tinder. Just pour some whiskey on it and watch it ablaze.
There's a lot that young people are oblivious to. And likewise there's so much that boomers are blind to. The key isn't trying to figure out which camp is better and siding with them. The key is just learning from the best of both and making it your own. Here's to your life!
Is there any reason for such?