In order to write the type of content I like to read, I have been investigating my favorite books & shows through the years.
When I was younger, I loved courtroom drama. I always thought I would be a lawyer and loved watching the shows like 'The Practice'. I looked for John Grisham books to get my hearts fill of courtroom drama. As I got exposed to more shows, I gravitated towards shows like the X-files. Some mystery, some scientific, some drama and suspense. I also recall a phase when I got introduced to genes and the magic of understanding the biology of humans. I recall a book I devoured of Ken Follet about genetics that made me hunt for books with that topic. That landed me with many books by Robert Cook. It was fascinating series of books and I am still curious about the topic.
I recall stumbling on Jackie Collins books and finding is hilarious and interesting. She had a way of writing where there is a very strong female character that I just loved to read about. At that point, I didn't read too many books by female writers for some reason. I tried a book or two by people that seemed like they shared Jackie's style but it didn't work. Then I discovered Chimamanda Adiche and I was hooked. Of all the writers I had encountered, she was the one that felt like she was in my mind and exposed the things I think about. There was something in common between Jackie Collin's and Chimmamanda that spoke to me. And I am now investigating what it is.
A lot of the TV shows I have enjoyed over the last decade had fantastic conversations. I love hearing the back and forth of two individuals where I get to eavesdrop. If I had to pick between comedy and good conversation, I would pick the later.
But how would I include good dialogue in my writing if it is non-fiction. If I am not sharing a specific incident that has happened, it feels hard to conjure up a made up conversation that is interesting. I don't know if this is a skillset people learn to grow but I haven't had any practice.
When I was younger, I loved courtroom drama. I always thought I would be a lawyer and loved watching the shows like 'The Practice'. I looked for John Grisham books to get my hearts fill of courtroom drama. As I got exposed to more shows, I gravitated towards shows like the X-files. Some mystery, some scientific, some drama and suspense. I also recall a phase when I got introduced to genes and the magic of understanding the biology of humans. I recall a book I devoured of Ken Follet about genetics that made me hunt for books with that topic. That landed me with many books by Robert Cook. It was fascinating series of books and I am still curious about the topic.
I recall stumbling on Jackie Collins books and finding is hilarious and interesting. She had a way of writing where there is a very strong female character that I just loved to read about. At that point, I didn't read too many books by female writers for some reason. I tried a book or two by people that seemed like they shared Jackie's style but it didn't work. Then I discovered Chimamanda Adiche and I was hooked. Of all the writers I had encountered, she was the one that felt like she was in my mind and exposed the things I think about. There was something in common between Jackie Collin's and Chimmamanda that spoke to me. And I am now investigating what it is.
A lot of the TV shows I have enjoyed over the last decade had fantastic conversations. I love hearing the back and forth of two individuals where I get to eavesdrop. If I had to pick between comedy and good conversation, I would pick the later.
But how would I include good dialogue in my writing if it is non-fiction. If I am not sharing a specific incident that has happened, it feels hard to conjure up a made up conversation that is interesting. I don't know if this is a skillset people learn to grow but I haven't had any practice.
i think it does one a disservice thinking that they are so different. There are different factors that get accentuated to the reader but the process that goes into both lend to each other. In a fictional novel there are plenty of stretches of basically non-fiction writing. And likewise in many nonfiction books there are a lot of 'fictional' story stretches.
I wouldn't enjoy my favorite novels if they were simply 'stories' the whole time. I like them because they also have information in them that makes the story possible.
Let's take myself. I want to become a great fiction writer, but I also practice a lot of nonfiction writing because I know that they lead into each other.
I would argue that if I were to go all in on fiction just because that's what I wanted to eventually produce I couldn't write as good stories. The practice I receive from writing non-fiction -- like this comment- gives me a lot of 'fiction' skills that are invisible to others.
The bio books you mention were also fun. One I remember really well was The Hot Zone, about Ebola (though nonfiction). Then there was one about a scientists who clones himself in secret and has his wife give birth to him (unknowingly), wish I remembered the title or something.
As for the fiction/non-fiction dichotomy, in a way there shouldn't really be one. A very good fiction novel should be like a real story. A great non-fiction novel should simply tell a great story. For the dialogue, I found it's best to get in a flow mode, just see what comes next, don't be hung up on "what would X say"? Just keep going, be X, then be Y, etc..
And also, you just put me on 'Americanah', so thanks!
I believe it's similar to how when science/engineering becomes so refined and cared fo and crafted it becomes art... and just like how art when so honed and persistent becomes an engineering marvel.
I think it's a competency-pleb thing to focus on the dichotomy. The either /or... when it's actually AND.
we can have discussions about it!
Gabriel - I love Jackie Collins still. Though I see what you mean about the lack of depth and the predictability of her stories, she writes in a way that appeals to me. I LOVED Lucky as well. In fact, the first ever email address I made was LuckySantangelo@hotmail or something.
I used to underestimate fiction writing for a long time when I used to limit myself into reading just self-help topics. I equated reading fiction to watching tv... just entertainment not educational. But I have completely changed my view on that. Entertainment IS the best way to educate people. It requires more skill and understanding of human nature and psychology to pull of fiction that engages and feels like it is real. That is why I am very aware of the fact that I can write about something from memory way better than from my own imagination.