You buy from the right place and an
Andrew Jackson
will cover it with change to spare. If you get real lucky that change will include a quarter or two that you can save for laundry day -- if you live in an apartment with a shared washer -- but most places will price it so you get nothing back but junk coins. In
more of the coins will give you utility, in the states, anything but the quarter is practically nothing more than a pain in the ass.
Hell even quarters are useless to me since I got my own washer and I live close to downtown so I never get stuck driving there and having to pay for parking. To me cash in entirety is useless. Anything that's not a swipe of a card is a pain in the ass. Only reason I use cash when paying for
is I'm not 21.
This is also the reason why I don't get to choose where I get my beer from. Really depends on where my buyer goes and where we happen to be. Sometimes we might be at a party near campus and we'll be near a liquor store that upcharges the hell out of you. Around 23 dollars for a 30-rack. I hate being ripped off, but I've paid this price plenty. Maybe that's why I hate being ripped off so much; you hate the things that you don't like that keep happening to you.
To get a real deal on a 30-rack of Busch Light you need to plan ahead. Get a buyer when they're going grocery shopping. The big grocery stores have the best deal on large volumes of beer, especially when it's unrefrigerated. See this is why you need to plan ahead, because even if you get lucky enough to catch your buyer just as they're going to the grocery store... grocery shopping seems to take forever. And you won't have cold beer when they get back to you. You'll need to wait at least a few hours for that first cold one.
Unless you use the freezer. Then you can have one in about an hour. 45 minutes if you're in a real thirsty. 30 minutes even... if you've been thirsty all week. But then you can only leave them in the freezer around an hour. You gotta move them to the fridge after that otherwise they'll explode on you. I've done this before and lost three beers once.
It was a hot, sunny day. And I didn't even have a 30 pack of Busch Light. My buyer was only willing to get me a 12 pack. I stuck four of them in the freezer, eagerly awaiting cold beer. By the forty minute mark I couldn't wait any longer, took one out, chugged it and maybe there was something about a moderately cold beer sloshing around in my mouth, and the low ABV seeping into my blood, but it made me feel extra elated. Not drunk, but just feeling good like everything was going to be alright.
I suddenly felt extra social. Decided to call my friend back who I had made tentative plans with.
"Yo, what are you doing?"
"Not shit."
"Wanna drink?"
"Hell yeah. Come over, I got a fifth of Castillo with your name on it."
I guess I got too excited. Packed the eight Busch Lights in the fridge into a backpack and headed over to my awaiting bottle of rum and friend. I forgot about the ones in the freezer.