After rewatching all the scenes encompassing the main character and his mom last night I called my mom. I told her of how the Gi-Hun reminded me of myself and how I saw her as the mom. How I'd been too happy lucky go and let things around me fall to shambles and that when the mom in Squid Game died, alone in her apartment, sick, having no idea where her son was, I saw nobody else but me and her there.
What I wanted when I called her was for her to say that she saw that too. But she said she didn't necessarily see herself that way. In the end, this made me feel much better. I don't know how I would feel if she had felt the same way as I. We ended up talking a lot more, about life and stuff. She's very proud of me that I have a decent life track going for me now. I apologized for being a fuckup for so long. I tell her things will be different. I tell her I'm glad I'm not 47 and indebted to loansharks, and that I'm not living with her, mooching.
After the call I am relieved she didn't feel the same way watching the show. Before I had just wanted even one other person to feel the way I did... I thought it would make me feel better. But after talking with my mom i feel fine with nobody else sharing the same experience as me.