I have quite an overhaul for the writing-workflow I'm working on for
. It includes changes that are big enough that I can't just write the code, test it and crank it out in one session. Probably couldn't even do it in two sessions. Because this feels daunting, I've been putting it off.
I've been thinking that we procrastinate or avoid things just when it's the worst time to do so. It's when you have a big task that you should really brace yourself and get into it. However I notice that when the task is big, is when people start making excuses. I see New Year's revelations as this sort of thing. Declare a big goal, but because it's so big don't allow yourself to begin until the new year.
While writing in my journal this morning (
) I saw how I avoid large tasks because I'm addicted to reward. Because this current code change won't reward me for awhile ( in this case a reward is as simple as pushing it to production for you to use ) I refrain from chipping away at it. On the flip side when there are small little things I can just go in and do them and put in that half hour or so on any given day.
I admire the creator of the
open source
. I'm not going to look up his name because in the morning I'm doing this thing where I prefer my ideas over others'. This means beginning by notebooking and writing. All the other stuff -- like reading and learning from others -- comes later in the day.
In this case you are too nice