The Bill Collector I coffee zloty

First job out of college was for the national gas company. Went around reading people's meters and making sure we collected the right amount of money. Most people did pay the right amount, but you always ran into some troublemakers.

Even these troublemakers weren't that bad. You just had to catch them face to face and they'd pay up right away. It was easier to rebel against a 
amount sent you in on paper. To deny a human face was another. This is a principle contemporary designers understand, that's why they try to splash human faces as avatars all over their apps, but they don't understand the principle to its true core.

True undeniability doesn't come from the visual aspect of a human face. Kids watch humanoid figures dying on video and videogames all the time. What people can't deny, can't wish ill on is a human they share a presence with. Somebody breathing the same air as them. Someone who eats the same food and drinks the same 
. That feeling when you look over and get that the other knows what it feels like to walk a kilometer in your shoes and you know what it feels like to walk one in theirs.

It's difficult to capture that in an app. But with an app you can get tricked into thinking you can do it. Back in the 90s we didn't attempt such a thing with paper bills inside envelopes. Instead they sent somebody like me. Catch you just at that time when you were coming back from the grocery store or about to head out to the bakery. There I was. Smile and all.
Even these troublemakers weren't that bad. You just had to catch them face to face and they'd pay up right away. It was easier to rebel against a
amount sent you in on paper. To deny a human face was another.

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Nov 23, 2021 3:07 AM

Flash Fiction Practice