Now on Spotify

When I was a lad, access to music was not as plentiful as with streaming services like Spotify or Apple Music. If I wanted to listen to a song, I either listened to it on the radio or bought the album.

The problem with listening to music on the radio was that you never knew when your favourite song would come on. I would often sit poised with my finger on the record button of my radio cassette recorder, waiting to record my favourite song from the radio. It wasn't always the best outcome, as I would often miss the start of the song because I was too slow to push the record button, or the DJ would talk over the end of the song, ruining the recording.

Buying a record was not always an option either, and they were expensive for a 10-year-old kid. I was fortunate to have an older brother who could afford to buy records. It was the musical feast of Slade, Jimi Hendrix, Elton John, Led Zeppelin and Alice Cooper in my brother's record collection that shaped my music taste as a youth.

When I could finally afford to buy an album, I purchased "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" by Elton John. I still think it is his best album ever. The great thing is that I still have fond memories of that music, now available on Spotify.
music industry made a full circle with NFT mp3's. You buy it you own it.
2021-12-09 12:21:59
My older brothers had all the records. I had cassette tapes, but my first CD was We Can't Dance by Genesis. Hard to imagine purchasing a CD now. I never thought I'd go the streaming route, but it happened. 
2021-12-09 13:18:47
Back when you were a lad listening to music was less about consuming the song and more about that experience of having to be there when the DJ played it. That came with its own good/bads, just as today's streaming world comes with.
2021-12-11 15:35:06
What are the bads with today's streaming world for the consumer?
2021-12-11 21:16:20
Sloppy language on my part 

streaming is all great for the consumer.

when i initially said 
I was actually thinking about "people who like music" in my head.

The bad is that a lot of the things surrounding music has now eroded for such. Like a culture of trying to find music at stores and having to tune into the radio etc etc.
2021-12-14 14:11:35