Jobs were simpler back then. No high resolution tracking
. No way for the supervisor to see very little break you took.
This didn't mean he slacked off. Though people these days might call it that. But in his head he didn't.
He made every stop promptly and maintained a brisk pace. That was until he got to one house on the corner of XYX and ZDWA streets. There, Anya lived, and she always invited him in for
and cakes. It took awhile until she offered the invitation, and it took an extra while for him to accept for the first time. But now it had become a common
routine. Coffee and cake with Anya, listening to what she had to say about her life. Telling her what was going on in his.
There was nothing much going on in either, but that didn't make the conversation any less pleasant.
"i'm just taking a break from school. This job is nice."
"Will you go back one day?"
"It's not out of the question. But for now I can't see that far."
"To be young again..."
"It's not as good as you remember. There's uncertainty."
"When you get to my age, you'll want that."
"Maybe," he smiled while finishing off the rest of his
Jakub Gold
instant coffee.