Them's the breaks
Was watching a great 2010 interview with 
Steve Jobs
. One interviewer asked why 
wasn't supporting 
, which at the time was The way to make interactive UIs... remember back then the interactive web was still nascent. As in many developers would make an Adobe Flash application and their websites would simply load that into the page.

Apple bucked the trend by not supporting that in their default browsers that came with the 

The interviewer hilariously talks about this great app that was 'so good'. I don't even know if it exists anymore. But he was using it as an example for the consequences for not supporting software such as Flash.

Jobs remarks about how there's plenty of software in the bygone days that were huge and that constantly new 
will win out. Also he accurately and astutely stated that they are open to supporting respectable standards such as 
5 in this case.
Abraham Kim

what would happen? as reply to Happy

Abraham Kim
software Westcity AI
The  software Keith wrote automated the orderly guy's schedule down in  Westcity . Now all his food was delivered to him. Fake messages from his friends' phone numbers arrived at his inbox to which he would respond. Keith's script intercepted these messages, prevented them from going to the friends' devices....
"If you are five minutes early, you are already ten minutes late.”

Vince Lombardi


I also explored this preparedness shrinkflation in
four miles west Yours Truly

I observe that it's because back in the old days before 
facilitated meetings, we had fewer scheduled events per day. This meant that we allocated more attention/preparation to those fewer events.

We are currently in schedule 
 where each event/meeting is worth less and you end up having more of them.
Abraham Kim
Email is old
I was thinking about Hey as well. 

My thinking mirrors yours about Email's longevity due to its simplicity.

All these email softwares are just bolton user interfaces -- albeit with backend 
to facilitate and make those UIs possible -- ontop of the email protocol.

I'm glad the email protocol itself has remained simple.

For more complex protocols to be formed we have the experimental laboratory that is the emerging 
Abraham Kim
defining abstract concepts
Much of
are abstract concepts defined by the engineer.

referenced in colloquial terms -- like happiness, sadness are abstract concepts. There are underlying drivers to the eventual concept but the concept itself is still abstract by the time the human mind that is experiencing the underlying coins it as 'this is me being happy'

abstract concepts
can be useful for managing complexity and making information systems out of them as lego blocks.

They can be quite unuseful and cause much suffering when people enslave their sense of wellbeing to them.
Abraham Kim

Abe's Blog
Big Tech is the Downtown of the internet

Church of Twitter Facebook Uber Google group chat Telegram UX software internet Elon Musk Martin Luther billionaire infrastructure big tech cloud designers
The  Church of Twitter has had a busy week. The mobs either crowning Elon Musk as contemporary Martin Luther or another  billionaire buying his way into societal  infrastructure .

Independent of this, my friend remarked that if Facebook were to disappear tomorrow that there would be non net-negative impact to society....

Abe's Blog

Paul Graham software programming vim command line
I used to think  Paul Graham was crazy for writing his blog posts using vim .

This past month I've spent so much time in the  command line and learning all these keyboard shortcuts that I can finally see how one could write on a terminal text editor.

Not that I'd want...

Shark Swim

consultancy coffee software website hosting email 2010s 2020s IPA landline clients
IV This would be a boring story if it were just of me running a software consultancy and hanging out with my startup founder friend for  coffee here and there. That is not what this story is about. Today I'm no longer involved with that old devshop. My partner and...

Shark Swim

SPA frontend backend Facebook SMB consultancy MVC Ruby on Rails HTML API software web applications Google
We specialized in web applications . There was actually a time when we considered going into desktop and native applications, but the demand for web apps was just too big that I guess my partner and I never even had the chance to decide. Our path was chosen for us.

hell yeah!

i remember back in the day people had to buy books and look at source code on random websites and horribly designed forums.

now we have slick documentation for open source libraries, and seamless deployment pipelines : )

great time to be in 
Abraham Kim

Flash Fiction Practice
The Bill Collector II

software coffee Wednesday Jakub Gold
Jobs were simpler back then. No high resolution tracking  software . No way for the supervisor to see very little break you took.

This didn't mean he slacked off. Though people these days might call it that. But in his head he didn't.

He made every stop promptly and maintained a brisk...

Abe's Blog
Outsourcing dirty things

B2B SaaS software
The reason why so many founders are finding success in B2B SaaS is because of how slow incumbent organizations move.

It's expensive to create the simplest of software within these established walls. You can't just get started hacking on the cheap as there's a bunch of bureaucratic boxes that need to...

Abe's Blog
Delegation 1.0 < Delegation 2.0 as reply to Do, delegate, drop

Abraham Kim
software delegation bi-directional delegation
Do, delegate, drop William Liao illuminated a deep, root-source of organizational inefficiency and teammate misery: an outdated delegation process.

Organizations regularly upgrade their software because it's easier to see how inefficient software slows them down.* But organizations rarely grasp how inefficient their delegation...