Remember it always felt like i was making fun of you when I'd ask what you wanted and you'd say you wanted to make more money?
I never thought you were trying to make fun of me.
Well I guess I was trying to make your way less appealing to you. I was trying to make it sound like you were being stupid.
I get that. We are always doing that to each other aren't we? I'm sorry, by we I mean us people.
Yes. Well recently something happened to me that finally made me understand your desire. But I still have to side with the fact that just wanting something doesn't bring it.
I know this too.
Yes I remember you saying it. I also remember you saying a
is desired no matter the facts the person knows. How can a person escape this? I'm guessing they can't.
Yeah I think escape is impossible. Attempting to is futile. but that is life.
Ah yes, this is life then. Well I'm glad to be on this thing called
with you then.