I remember thinking
Rice Krispies
were literally the thing that came in that blue box. I was floored when in college my
made them with her mom casually inside a glass
baking dish.
I was reminded of this today because walking down the aisle of the
grocery store
I saw a box of "healthy" Rice Krispies and then immediately after that I saw some flavored sausage branded as some ethnic variety.
I remember once my mom gave me three
while I was living at
for the summer. I told her I was excited to eat them, because back then I was crazy about these things. But as soon as I got to the house I stuck them in the basement and then I didn't touch them for weeks. Later my mom asked about the avocados and I said that I hadn't gotten around to eating them. She said they were bad by then. I was floored. I thought avocados could last for months!
It's funny how much I associate packaging and branding with food. It's like I didn't know food came from the earth until I was 22. I might've known with my head that such was the case but my subconscious thought of meat as coming from a package. Pancakes coming from a mix that came in a box.
Funny the things we believe and how it can make you think certain things are 'hard'.