Untitled Shared at Apr 20, 2022 sleep finite

Often I'll be working on some problem, trying to learn something, and the day will come to its end. Sometimes I may consider staying up later and later to see if I can maybe reach a breakthrough. I've learned that it's not just about time spent on something. The raw amount of hours although important in the long run, doesn't actually provide much in the short term. As in that two hours you get out of a day probably is not going to serve you so well years down the line if you're stressing yourself out and losing sleep over it.

Time on a problem, with many 
s between iterations is what leads to good things. Leads to capacity. Thing about 30s is that you finally feel the 
 nature of our lives. That we don't get to do everything we want. But we still get to do pretty much anything, and that makes me damn grateful.
I'm trying to remember a time when I stayed up later solely to solve a problem, and it's been decades. Sleep is far too important to disrupt. 
2022-04-20 13:56:28
Did you do it a lot in college?
2022-04-21 01:52:08
I stayed up late but not for the sole purpose of solving problems. It was college after all. 
2022-04-21 13:24:15

Abe's Blog