
as reply to library nerds

As the bell rang and the students started filing out of the classroom, Grover made his way to the bus, the bloody Johnny Timberland jersey stashed away in his backpack. He didn't care at all about sports, but possessing this jersey was different. In Biology class, his last class of the day, students gathered around to get a look at his the jersey. They showed him the video of Johnny Timberland's fight with Lebron James and he saw why it was covered with blood. Normally he sat by himself and either doodled in his notebook or watched twitch streams of his favorite games, virtually ignored by the entire class. but today he was a celebrity. Even the popular girls who he was sure didn't know he existed called out to him asking to see it.  
He was beaming as he walked up the steps onto the bus. He always sat in the very first row next to the Dutch foreign exchange student, Roger. Roger and him usually played Nintendo DS together or would listen to old Beatles songs on Rogers iPod. But before he could sit down he heard someone calling for him. "Grover! Yo Grove come here!" Said Wesley Lachance. He looked to the back of the bus and slowly made his way there blushing as the other kids all stared at him. Wesley Lachance always sat in the back of the bus with Derek Davidson and Danny Bender. They were all fellow freshman and three of the most popular guys in their grade. Wesley and Derek had never spoken a word to him before and Danny had ignored him for the past 7 years even though they had been best friends in first grade spending everyday playing at Danny's house. 
He took a seat next to Danny without saying hello and grabbed the jersey out of his bag at Wesley and Derek's bequest. "Woah Dude. That's so sick." Said Wesley. "That's gotta be worth so much money." said Derek. as he pulled up the fight on his phone. "Man, you're so lucky, Grover. I bet this is worth a lot of money". Wesley said as he unfolded the large jersey and spread it out of his lap. "Wow, it's even signed too". 
"Hey man, Derek's having a party Friday night, would you want to come?" Grover didn't respond immediately, not realizing the question was directed at him. "Uh.  Sure.. Should I bring anything?
"Na don't bother, Just bring the jersey everyone wants to see it". "Damn my dad's going away tonight!" said Derek. 
"What, Really?" Said Wesley. "Man, that sucks. Wait! Hey, grover can Derek borrow your jersey just for the night. His dad is a huge Celtics fan. He love to see it". Wesley said as the bus came to a halt.
"Yeah sure" Grover said without really thinking. The spell of talking to them putting him into a daze. "We'll give it back tomorrow morning. We swear" Derek said as he and Wesley ran off the bus and off into the neighborhood, the jersey in tow.

Grover slowly walked down the stairs off the bus and down Burgess St. street toward his house. He was thinking about that party Wesley had invited him to. He'd never been to a party before. He had never even imagined what one would be like. "Grover". Said a deep voice behind him. It was Danny Bender. "Hey Danny". Grover said stuttering looking at his feet. "You know they're never gonna give that Jersey back to you". Grover said nothing, suddenly realizing that Danny was right. "You just never quite get it do you." Danny said shaking his head as he quickly walked past Grover and down the street. Grover put his hands in his pockets. Of course they had tricked him. How stupid could he be. Why else would they have invited him to a party and even talk to him in the first place. They probably had to ask Danny what his name was.
"Hey Grover" Danny called up ahead. "Want to come over and play fortnight?"
Suddenly grover didn't feel all that bad.

Replies to Bus

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