Stories and memories get condensed. Like Jake might say he's going out with Mike for a
when in fact there was a lot more they did than just get a beer. But we can communicate with each other by saying these symbolic meanings.
Went out for a beer.
The person we communicate the most with in this way is ourselves.
We have a
with someone. We take a
together. We work together.
Huge compression happening, because we all know there is more details there... but we also accept that we'll never be able to -- or even want to -- understand things at that
If you extrapolate this compression, you'll see that this is how we begin to see a
When someone we knows dies, we'll say "they lived a good life."
It can scare us to think that that's all that a life amounts to. We might trick ourselves thinking that the people in our lives won't think of us that way when we pass. But that's the truth. So enjoy it!
When we communicate with each other we convey information literally but also using emotion. Each message is nuanced emotionally by voice tone, facial expression, pauses and speed. That allows us human to fill in the gaps in our communication, and understand more than what is conveyed in a literal manner.