The shape up pdf from the guys who made basecamp is so great. I think for me I never really understood how to move ideas into actual things. Like I understood that tasks needed to be done, but never how to link those tasks. Like a person who knew where they wanted to go, and new that they had to use their feet, but would never walk. I would oscillate between trying to do as many tasks as possible to doing nothing. Then like therealbrandonwilson says inaction became a habit, and you get sad. In comes Shape up, and for some reason the thought of appetite had never occurred to me. They talk about in the book that before they start on a project define how much they actually want to do that thing, how much time they want to spend, and very honestly what is the thing you actually need. This idea was so useful for me. From the outset I can set a time limit on tasks, as opposed to just thinking about each one all at once. They lose the abstractness and become more defined tasks easier to conquer. Further, I could honestly state which ones were most important and which ones I didn't need to think about, freeing up my head to actually get the things done. Then its much easier to just get on with it. Allot the time for this a give it read, it was great for me!