When I was a
I roomed with a guy who slept only four, five hours a night. If I were to hear of such a guy nowadays, I would think that that's unhealthy and unsustainable. But back in
, not sleeping was seen as cool. Not because not sleeping was inherently cool, but because
was seen as a waste of time.
You couldn't do all the cool things when you were asleep. And all the responsibilities and the activities throughout the week competed for an ever shrinking slice of time.
Funny because I never remembered thinking of time so scarce in high school. No back then I wiled the days away, wishing that time would move faster. I couldn't get out of there quick enough. What was it about being at college that made me now think that there wasn't enough time.
For one, now I could just
anywhere. Well actually that's not true. I can't walk anywhere. But the range of travel that I look to do now has been so reduced that I can walk to any of the places I wish to go. In high school I had to damn near drive everywhere. And there weren't many places to drive. There might be a party once a week that I could go to.
University life was completely the opposite. There was something happening every night. Not even every night, but in the middle of the day too. At least one person asking if you wanted to grab lunch or coffee and then more asking about dinner. It was a buffet of events.
So damn I wished I could get by on just five hours of sleep like my roommate did. He got to do so many things. I didn't know it back then, I lied to myself, thinking I could be like him too. I would try getting by on just five hours of sleep and it would wreck me.
Are you sure he wasn't napping secretly? On the toilet while taking a **** or in the commute or in the library while "studying" i mean, how much sleep would someone "normal" need ? Let's say 7-8 hours, okay that's 3 hours more. I'm sure it's much better to sleep as much as you need and perform at your best when you have to. Sleeping is good.
this character does in fact only require ~ 5 hours of sleep