Is the internet village poor?

Today, I was thinking and browsing ways to make $100 or even $50 a day. I have time, I have some valuable skills. I couldn't get find one.

The majority of sure ways to make 100 or 50 dollars a day weren't digital gigs. The digital gigs require lots of years of effort.

That got me thinking, "so, I can't jump on the internet, make 100 / 50 quid and jump out?". Is it that I don't "know" enough people or the internet is just that poor?

Replies to Is the internet village poor?
I'm sure you could make 100 bucks a day doing 
 dev on an upwork style of marketplace?
2022-07-13 23:34:50
You'd have to have some reviews before getting a gig on such platforms.

2022-07-14 22:09:46

Shay Hun's Blog