BMW has belled the cat

So earlier today, News broke that BMW has started selling heated seat subscriptions for $18 a month.

I don't know if BMW will live to regret this decision, because a lot of questions need to be answered;

Are they gonna start charging $9.99 for using brakes?

What else can a car manufacturer disable from your car remotely?

Is this the beginning of a plunge into microtransaction hell?

I'm actually interested in BMW's answers to the above questions. I hope Apple never gets to make a car, because Apple will milk the hell out of this madness.
I believe 
50 Cent
 would be willing to endorse subscription based car features!
2022-07-12 20:08:20
Unacceptable. I hope this business decision is a disastrous failure. 
2022-07-12 20:39:19

Shay Hun's Blog