September 2022

Name three things you can improve on this upcoming month? What concrete actions can you take on to work towards these improvements?

1. Consistent writing. Joining the #teamstreak encore.
2. Sleep time and quality.
3. Making part time income.

After the time away from anything other than health, these 3 things are my focus for Oct.

What or who are you especially grateful for this past month?

I am grateful for my health. I have come to realize how much it impacts everything. Any improvement gives me hope and energy. I am especially grateful to my family and friends who were pivotal in helping me cope.

How are you different between this past month and the month before it?

I am more optimistic and less obsessive about a bleak future. I find myself more energetic to face the day upon waking up. The positive changes in my health have pushed me to get more organized and re-evaluate how I want this year to end. 

What did you accomplish this past month? What are you most proud of?

Though it was the hard work of several months, my blood work results I found out in mid September is my proudest accomplishment.
Trying to escape some of the stressful obsessive thoughts, I found myself reading a lot of fiction. It took me away from my negative thoughts and helped me cope. I read more in the last month than most years combined.
I also picked up poker as a hobby. It is a skill I have always wanted to have.

Review your planner for the past month and assess your priorities. Are you happy with how you spent your time? If not, what steps can you take next month to adjust them?

I used my excel checklist in September and tracked myself. Week after week, I improved on a lot of things I was ignoring. I ended the month with a score of 71%. My goal is to hit at least 80% for October but I am encouraged by how I set my priorities in September. Adjusting my sleep routine should help make an improvement on a lot of things.

What were the three biggest lessons you’ve learned in the past month?

1. I am stronger than I realized before. 
2. I miss writing.
3. I love poker. 

What was the most memorable part of this past month? Describe it

The moment when I asked my mom and my brother to sit next to me as I opened my laptop to look at my blood work results. I was shaking cause I honestly wasn't sure if I would get good news or need to pack a bag to go to the ER. Looking at my results and seeing the level of improvement in so many biomarkers felt unreal. I got my hope back. I felt like I can do anything I want if I put my mind to it. It was PURE JOY. 
Great summary! Good to see you back. This is the Keni I remember.
2022-10-02 13:28:02

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