First Time Drinking

I was going to write last night but now going to this morning. Last night I got drunk so now I am paying for it in a hangover. Sad. 

It was different than when I first got drunk. 
This time we sat around a table drinking wine and cocktails and exchanging our favourite facts. 

I think the first time I got drunk. I was about 14 I was with Scott and Jasmine, B-smith, and Peter and their older brothers. Oh James Bowns was probably there as well, he was always with us. 

We told our parents we were just at Scott’s and then walked to a house to pick up alcohol and then walked to Jasmines to drink it. Her parents were never home, and none of us really knew why.

We bought orange juice and vodka or maybe gin. I think the gin and juice song was big then. Snoop Dog. 

I remember drinking the vodka and being like this is so gross. I was nervous the first shot we did. But then we chased it with orange juice. Then B-Smith was like let’s mix them. He was older and knew how to drink. He was a guide. And boy did he lead us astray. 

I don’t think there was anything exciting I remember someone’s brother came and and we were just so happy. At one time we were tackling each other. Then the vodka didn’t taste so bad. And we all so happy and laughing. And we turned up the music probably to insane levels. 

But then the room started spinning. And We all started puking. And Scott’s dad came to pick us up. He was a recovering alcoholic and was no happy with us. He at least what I remember spoke some swear words in Spanish and asked what am I going to do with you. 

I spent the rest of the night puking in Scott’s basement. And then the next morning trying to see mom normal in front of Scott’s mom. Who apparently had no idea. 

I guess this night and morning were better than that. But last misses some of the unknown mess that the past had. Because the hangover is always going to suck.