
a routine as reply to To Open

Abraham Kim
When security finally did open the man looked around embarrassed. He looked like he forgot to shave and didn't put deodorant on that day.

"Mmm sorry, miss," he said. "Do you mind just pretending to go through security? We didn't actually... We don't actually have the equipment working yet."

McKayla thought this...

within 20 minutes as reply to On Here

Abraham Kim
Dave was waiting for theĀ  Bialetti to come to a boil when the message came in. Dave called out to his wife. "Coffee will be ready soon. Can you listen for it?"

"You're leaving?"

"Yep. Looks like they did their job after all."

He got into his Tesla. It would be about eight...

moving as a non young person

college peanut butter parents House of Cards coffee Bialetti Westcity student budget Indeed neoliberal subreddit
He thought he could move in one day. He had always been able to move in one day before. This is not to say that he'd have his entire place unpacked, but everything from the truck would be unloaded into the new space.

This was the first time he couldn't empty...

Flash Fiction Practice
Old man tries to keep up with young Alex

notebooking coffee apprentice morning routine exercise Bialetti mentor
HisĀ  apprentice excited him, but made him feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Each morning he'd go downstairs to see young Alex already eager to tackle the day. He wasn't sure what his apprentice's morning routine consisted of but he was sure that there was some intenseĀ  exercise there and someĀ  notebooking...