
jack is keith as reply to Looked Back

Abraham Kim
Imogen Howe English American Seaside Rest
So that's how it began. How Jack and  Imogen Howe began speaking with  English accents. And in fact... they even began calling Jack by a new name Kieth. Jack didn't know where the name came from. But he went with it. And he was happy because the two of them...

4 usb drives as reply to Never Saw Him

Abraham Kim
English earplugs cash
"Who was he?"

Big Joe didn't turn. Kept his gaze on the open eyes on the corpse on the floor. "Nobody."

Didn't look like nobody to James. But he didn't say shit. There was a sign on the wall.

Rule #1: Butch is always right.
Rule #2: When Butch is wrong, look at Rule...