web 3.0

Abe's Blog
And, not Or

web 3.0 web3 Twitter Facebook web 2.0
The promise of  web 3.0 or  web3 is cool. Basically it argues for a shift in the way our digital infrastructure is organized so that not only the investors/founders/creators have equity and profit from that infrastructure but also the users.

There's great power in the idea of feeling like a user...

The most dangerous thing that will happen is The MGM roaring lion being replaced by a gif of 
Jeff Bezos
roaring lol jk

But this is how power has been concentrated since the 
industrial revolution
. Few people holding most of it. That's the darkside of 

I wonder if the scaling of leverage to non powerful people through the currrent trend of
web 3.0
will change things. I think so, but there will always be Bezos' in the world.

Also I want to point out your obession with things like presidency. You make it sound like Jeff would be more powerful if he were to become president when in fact he's more powerful because he isn't. 
Abraham Kim
Evolving with the community
I liked this account. I also am curious as to what concrete things
web 3.0
  will bring.

I mean like you listed off things, but since they haven't happened yet I don't know understand the ramifications. 

Will web 3.0 change the world so drastically? Yes. Will it also make us realize how same the world is even after that change? I bet yes. Weird how that works eh?
Abraham Kim