New Yorker

Wanted as reply to mcflurry

McFlurry New Yorker
Keith never got tired of the  McFlurry , no matter where he went in the state it tasted the same. Like a glass of milk he thought but never said out loud. 

It was quiet, and normally he’d eat in his car, but this was enough for him. Enough silence...

Flash Fiction Practice
Cafe Instagram

college Instagram cafe New Yorker Imogen Howe
When you're 23, the most exciting thing on your mind should be the new features you are unveiling to users this Friday. The most exciting thing should be that trip to Boulder next month. The most exciting thing should be how one day the startup you've just joined will make...

Flash Fiction Practice

New Yorker FOMO
At the end of her life she wasn't ready to die. It was only then that she realized that it was not death she feared, but having not lived. Six decades she'd passed in constant  FOMO . And now that she was at what was the end of it, she...
Your desire for 
... going deep on something is juxtaposed to the more philisophical-flaneur type in the end example of 
New Yorker
to books hopping.

Somedays I just spend intellectually flanuering. Somedays I just grind on work and GET SHIT DONE. And somedays I am in craftsperson mode.

It's weird, but anytime i feel like i can't do either of the above I feel existential dread. Reading this post I'm sure you can relate. 

But what's another weird thing is that I sometimes get tricked. Like sometimes when i'm sick of the grind I might feel compelled to believe that I only want to flanuer around or only want to be in a craftsmanship haven. But that's not true either.

It's difficult to figure out which balance is right. especially since often we're still paying off outstanding debts to obtaining further clarity. 
Abraham Kim

Somebody who works at Balloon House Magazine

Netflix New Yorker Twitter Jeannie Hammond Balloon House Gmail
Later while alone it what I wanted when around Jeannie became clear. It went beyond her flesh, past the mere material -- just as how the story of a book is worth more than the ink and paper that contain it, 

I'd been daydreaming too much about my meetings with...
On being funny
When you try to write something funny are you trying to make other people laugh or are you laughing while writing it yourself? 

i think as a beginner you are better off trying the latter. Just write things that make you laugh while writing brainstorming them and writing them and don't even worry about whether anyone else will find it funny. 

You should check out the 
New Yorker
article that I link in this post 
Rewriting is easier than writing Yours Truly
it's an interview with one of the funniest writer's I've encountered and this is coming from somebody who's not a fan of humor/comedy writing.
Abraham Kim