
Abe's Blog
Big Tech is the Downtown of the internet

Church of Twitter Facebook Uber Google group chat Telegram UX software internet Elon Musk Martin Luther billionaire infrastructure big tech cloud designers
The  Church of Twitter has had a busy week. The mobs either crowning Elon Musk as contemporary Martin Luther or another  billionaire buying his way into societal  infrastructure .

Independent of this, my friend remarked that if Facebook were to disappear tomorrow that there would be non net-negative impact to society....

Flash Fiction Practice
Untitled Shared at Dec 24, 2021

email Facebook Telegram coffee social media tea News Feed addiction cigarettes
email is a great method of communication. You send off your message and you kind of forget about it. No waiting around to see if the other person checks it and replies right away. You just go about your day.

At least that's how I use it. Maybe you do sit...
A look into how a reaction and response are formed
Lol Brandon it wasn't that long of a conversation. I believei t was on 

Also it's less about your comment and more about things i was already thinking about. The comment was more of a key to opening that box that was already there so no worries on your part. If it wasn't your comment that opened it it would've been something else. Better to open it earlier.
Abraham Kim